
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

When I look at the people of Nicaragua, I see great faith and joy. Why would these people who have so little and are struggling so much be the most faith filled people I have met. They trust God to provide for them, they have hope in a savior. They are so broken physically that they crave help and the love of God. You can see this dependency on God through their love, community, joy and faith. These people will quickly welcome you into their homes and lives to be prayed for, because they want any glimpse of God they can get. 

When I look at the United States I see that most people have every physical need met. They don’t hunger or thirst, they have a roof over their heads, they have a car, and job. Because we have so many of these things so easily we feel as though we don’t need a provider and a savior. We get all of these things on our own and don’t even think to pray and ask God to provide because we feel we can do it ourselves. However the United States has more mental illness then most of the world. You can see the anxiety and depression almost everywhere you look. We see first hand how having these worldly things do not mean your life is better and you may have less joy then the poorest people.

Although the United States may not need God for all of our physical needs, we desperately need him with our emotional, mental, relational and spiritual needs. But because those things are unseen and so easy to forget that. 

I want to be fully dependent on God. I want to crave him everyday and not go a day without spending time with him. However I get so caught in the American mindset of I can do it all myself, I don’t need help. But we do need help, when we are running on our own we will quickly run out of strength, love, patience and kindness. I need to come to Gods feet daily and ask him to guide me and be my strength. I want everything I do to be out of Gods love so I can show the world his love. 

Adonai yireh: the lord with provide. This is the tattoo I have. I not only have to remind myself that God will provide but I also need to remind myself that I need to let God provide. I need to stop trying to do it on my own, I need to be fully dependent on him. 

love you all, Halle 

13 responses to “Dependency”

  1. Thanks for posting this. We all need to hear this. Love you and miss seeing you. Aunt Julie

  2. God Bless You Halle!
    Your comments are right on. We in the USA have so much, we often forget that our blessings come from the Lord. Our prayers are with you as you continue on your mission.

  3. Oh my goodness Halle so well said. What insight you have in someone so young. You are an amazing young woman! What a great lesson on dependency you have inspired.

  4. Whoops emoji’s don’t translate – – there wasn’t supposed to be question marks – – no doubt that you are right on!

  5. Thank you, Halle, for loving Jesus and speaking His truth!!! Praying for you. Hopeful for you. Missing you!!!

  6. Thank you for sharing, such an important & encouraging reminder of leaning into God for all of our needs 🙂

  7. I’ve heard there is nothing like being outside the cultural Christianity we live in to open your eyes to Christ, to see Him as Be is. A wonderful wonderful savior, provider, healer, lover of our souls. Thank you for this reminder. Daily seeking , daily being immersed in His providence and recognizing His presence – this can be done in any culture.
    Praying continued revelations and blessings over you and all those you touch!